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Mid South West Partners join Finance Minister at Stormont to demand UK Government immediately unpause Growth Deal

The Mid South West (MSW) Region Growth Deal partners, alongside the Finance Minister and their counterparts from the ‘paused’ Growth Deal region of Causeway Coast and Glens, have united in demanding that the UK Government reaffirm its commitment to supporting the economic redevelopment of both regions.

A rallying call at Stormont was staged in response to the news that the previously committed funding has been put on hold pending the outcome of the UK Government’s Spending Review.

The MSW Growth Deal, which was set for a Heads of Terms Agreement signing next month, is now facing uncertainty, prompting today’s high-level discussions at Stormont.

The investment package was to comprise a funding commitment of £252m from the Northern Ireland Executive and UK Government, which has now paused its contribution of £126 million, plus additional Government funding for the A4 Enniskillen Southern Bypass; and contributions from the Mid South West Region Councils in the region of £8million, with the potential for significant private sector funding investment.

Twelve project proposals included in the MSW Deal aim to: enable infrastructure; boost innovation and digital capacity; support green energy development; increase tourism, and futureproof the region’s skills base and these are now placed on an uncertain trajectory.

Chair of the MSW Region Governance Steering Group, Kevin Savage said:

“This Growth Deal is not just a collection of projects – it can stimulate the transformational change that will secure the economic future of a region which covers half of Northern Ireland’s landmass and includes a quarter of the province’s population.

“It is vital that this full investment package goes ahead and we begin to address decades of underinvestment, redress regional imbalances and create an ambitious, prosperous and sustainable society for the people who live, work and visit here.

“The UK government committed to invest in four Northern Ireland City and Region Deals, and cannot pull the plug halfway through its implementation. The lack of communication from the Government is unacceptable. We are now calling for open dialogue so we can work towards a solution to lift this unnecessary pause.”

During the meeting, the Finance Minister reiterated the MSW Region Growth Deal Partners’ call for the Chief Secretary to the Treasury to lift the pause on the funding without further delay.

Finance Minister Dr Caoimhe Archibald said:

“I remain unwavering on the need for the Causeway Coast and Glens and Mid South West Growth Deals to be allowed to continue their progress without delay.

 “The continuation of this pause risk undermining confidence to get on with delivering these Deals, which had been designed to stimulate growth in local and regional economies.

“Today has demonstrated, once again, the unanimous political support for these Deals. Working together we will continue to champion the case of the immediate reversal of this pause on funding for the Causeway Coast and Glens and Mid South West Growth Deals and their reinstatement so they can get on with delivering the proposed projects.”



Public Statement

Public Statement issued on behalf of the Mid South West Region Growth Deal Partners:

The Mid South West (MSW) Region Growth Deal Partners are shocked and disappointed to have received news that the funding previously committed by the UK Government for a Growth Deal for our region has been ‘paused’ and is now subject to the outcome of the Spending Review.  As a region we had been looking forward to signing the Heads of Terms Agreement for our Growth Deal next month.

We welcome the efforts of the Finance Minister Caoimhe Archibald in holding discussions with the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Darren Jones, and the Secretary of State, Hilary Benn, and we also call on the Chief Secretary to the Treasury to lift this pause immediately and reaffirm the UK Government’s commitment to a Growth Deal for the Mid South West Region.   Significant resource has been invested by the Councils and our partners to date in developing a suite of transformative infrastructure, innovation, tourism, regeneration and green energy projects which will drive the long-term economic growth of the region and we must continue at pace to build on this work.

Despite the uncertainty that now surrounds the MSW and Causeway Coast and Glens Growth Deals, we welcome the news that the pause has been lifted from the Belfast Region City Deal and the Derry City and Strabane City Deal, and that both Deals will now be proceeding.

The MSW Region Growth Deal Partners remain fully committed to the Growth Deal and to seizing this vital opportunity to address decades of underinvestment, redress regional imbalances and to maximise the wide range of benefits that this investment would bring to our region and to the people who live, work and visit here.

Mid South West launches Net Zero business support programme

Mid South West launches ‘Net Zero’ business support programme

Driving Net Zero Transformation Programme set to catalyse sustainable growth for businesses across the Mid South West region

As part of the concerted efforts to mitigate climate change and foster sustainable development, the Mid South West (MSW) Region is proud to launch the new “Driving Net Zero Transformation Programme” offering up to 90 local businesses personalised Net Zero assessments and action plans.

It will be delivered in collaboration with carbonfit, a leading sustainability consultancy, who will carry out tailored assessments which will enable businesses to identify areas for improvement and implement targeted strategies to reduce their carbon footprint.

Councillor Errol Thompson, Chair of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group expressed his enthusiasm for the programme, stating,

“The ‘Driving Net Zero Transformation Programme’ will help to support the region’s journey towards sustainability. By fostering collaboration and providing tangible support, we aim to make meaningful change within our business community, paving the way for a greener, more resilient future, and we absolutely encourage businesses within our region to get involved in this fantastic initiative, which can help them improve upon resource efficiency, business operations, innovations and cost-saving opportunities”.

Funded through Innovate UK’s Fast Followers programme, the Driving Net Zero Transformation Programme aims to empower local businesses in Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon, Fermanagh & Omagh and Mid Ulster in their transition towards sustainable practices. The MSW region, among 21 Local Authority areas across the UK, has been granted a share of £6 million funding to spearhead efforts towards the Net Zero target.

For businesses who are unsure on how to begin their journey to Net Zero, there will be six insightful webinars designed to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to develop robust Net Zero action plans. Additionally, three dynamic business events will be hosted across the three Council areas within the MSW region, facilitating invaluable learning, knowledge-exchange, collaboration and networking opportunities among stakeholders.

Finally, dedicated 1:1 support will be provided to micro and small to medium sized businesses in the Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering, Agri-Food, and Construction sectors.

Annemarie Roddy, Associate Director at carbonfit, echoed these sentiments, affirming, “We are delighted to partner with the MSW Region in this transformative initiative, and look forward to bringing the expertise and tailored solutions available at carbonfit, to help empower local businesses embrace sustainability, thrive in a low-carbon economy, and provide opportunities to maximise on their triple bottom line.”

If you would like to sign up and find out more about how the programme can support your business, visit or email

Enniskillen Bypass

Mid South West Region welcomes progression of A4 Enniskillen Bypass

Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd, Finance Minister Caoimhe Archibald have outlined their joint commitment to delivering projects that will bring social and economic benefits for communities across the north.

The Ministers were speaking during a visit to the site of the proposed A4 Enniskillen Bypass following recent confirmation of funding to deliver the scheme and early release of £12.5m funding from the Mid South West Growth Deal ahead of Heads of Terms being agreed and Deal signing.

Minister O’Dowd said:

“Investing in our infrastructure is critical if we are to build the foundations for better rural and urban communities.  Providing more efficient, accessible and inclusive transport options and removing traffic congestion from our cities, towns and villages will help to support the creation of new business and leisure opportunities.  It all starts with infrastructure and the Enniskillen Bypass is an example of the type of project that can bring about all of these benefits.  The 2.1km bypass will improve connectivity by creating a new transport link and will enhance the town centre environment by improving air quality and noise levels.  Importantly it will also provide 3.5km of active travel measures for walking and cycling extending along the Dublin and Derrylin roads.

“My Department has worked diligently over recent years to complete all the statutory processes for this significant project.  I am pleased that following the Finance Minister’s proposal last month the confirmation of Executive funding, alongside the early release of funding from the Mid South West Growth Deal, will allow us to now commence procurement with a view to construction commencing in late spring/early summer next year.

“I will continue to work closely with my Executive colleagues and council partners to deliver projects that will bring about positive changes for communities across the north.”

Minister Archibald said:

“Tackling regional imbalance is the key to prosperity and I was pleased, following my proposal, the Executive agreed the additional funding for the A4 Enniskillen Bypass. The project will help to provide a new transport link to the town and improve the connection between the A4 Dublin Road and the A4 Sligo Road. This vital investment, through the Mid South West Growth Deal, will be transformational for the Mid South West region and will help to attract new investment, which will benefit both local businesses and communities.

“I would like to thank all those involved in bringing the project to this point.”

Councillor Errol Thompson, Chair of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group, said:

“I am delighted that funding has been secured to progress the construction of the A4 Enniskillen Southern Bypass Scheme.  It is also welcoming that the Northern Ireland Executive has demonstrated flexibility and commitment to the scheme by agreeing to the early release of the £12.5 million investment from the Mid South West Growth Deal in advance of the signing of the Deal’s Heads of Terms.

“This is a significant scheme for Enniskillen and the wider Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area as it will help to improve connectivity, travel times and safety on this busy road.  One of the pillars of the Mid South West Growth Deal is Enabling Infrastructure which is critical to driving economic growth and helping the region realise its growth potential.

“This scheme will contribute to the achievement of this and will be a welcome boost to the local economy as it will unlock opportunities for businesses and communities in Enniskillen and the surrounding towns and villages.”

The Mid South West (MSW) Region is a collaboration between Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council.  Having confirmed their intention to develop a proposition and work towards a Growth Deal to boost economic growth and deliver a step change to the future prospects of the collective MSW Region, the MSW Partner Councils launched a Regional Economic Strategy (RES) in 2020.  The MSW Region Growth Deal is a £252 million investment in the region by the NI Executive and UK Government and will make a significant contribution towards realising the ambition of the RES to supercharge the growth of the collective economy and ensure inclusive prosperity.

MSW Region and Partner Councils

Minister Baker on his First Official Engagement with the MSW Region and Partner Councils

The Chair and Vice Chair of the MSW Region Governance Steering Group together with Senior Officials were delighted to welcome Minister Baker to Craigavon Civic Centre on 24 February 2023 for his first official engagement with the MSW Region and Partner Councils.  Welcoming the opportunity to hear about the MSW collaboration and to discuss progress to date, the Minister pledged his support and that of his officials to working with MSW to secure the Growth Deal.  Applauding MSW’s ambition to supercharge the economic growth of the region, the Minister emphasised the importance of maximising the UKG’s investment through the Growth Deal in innovation and digital.

MSW Region and Partner Councils

MSW Region and Partner Councils


Turbocharging the Economic Engine

‘Turbocharging the Economic Engine’ Industry Workshop

Last week over 50 MSW businesses met in Craigavon to play their part in shaping the vision, direction, and ambition of the Region’s Growth Deal as part of the ongoing industry consultation and engagement.

Representing key industry sectors such as manufacturing, engineering, agri-food, life and health sciences as well as construction and tradeable services, the businesses shared invaluable feedback and insights into current and future local innovation and digital needs, helping to ensure that the proposed investment not only delivers for industry and businesses but also supercharges economic growth across the region for the benefit of all.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the workshop, and we look forward to continuing to work alongside our local industry partners to deliver on the Growth Deal – a once in a generation investment opportunity.

Special thanks to the Makers’ Alliance and Invest NI for facilitating the workshop and to guest speakers Sam Turner, Chief Technology Officer at the High Value Manufacturing Catapult and CEO of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (AMIC) and Judith Savage, Consulting Partner at Ernst and Young.

New Business Innovation Programme

Mid South West Secures £430K for New Business Innovation Programme

Up to 250 local businesses in the Mid South West Region will get the opportunity to accelerate their growth and innovation journeys on a new pilot support programme, thanks to investment of close to £430,000 from the UK Community Renewal Fund

Developed as a collaboration between Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, and Mid Ulster District Council; Mid South West (MSW) is responsible for delivering a Regional Economic Strategy that focuses on boosting productivity, driving business growth, promoting sectoral strengths, and creating more and better-paid jobs across the region.

The pilot Business Innovation Programme will get underway this month and will support local business growth, innovation and productivity within local micro, small and medium sized enterprises. Delivered by Brilliant Red Ltd on behalf of the three council collaboration, the forward-thinking programme will comprise of three strands: bespoke training workshops, innovation vouchers and tailored action plans.

“We are thrilled to have secured this significant investment from the UK Community Renewal Fund for our pilot Business Innovation Programme,” commented Councillor Paul McLean, Chair of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group.

“This programme will help equip local, ambitious businesses with the skills and knowledge needed to boost their innovation and productivity levels by sharing insights into new processes, industry 4.0 technologies and decarbonisation as well as opening up funding opportunities and nurturing new collaborative connections across the region.

“Launching the programme at Robotics and Automation Lab in South West College’s Dungannon campus couldn’t be more fitting. Already focused on driving change, the progressive college will support MSW’s ambitions to connect business, innovation and education with the development of a new Engineering and Skills Innovation Centre in the region.”

The training workshops will provide participants with a greater awareness and understanding of productivity, innovation and emerging technologies as well as highlight the benefits of collaborative working and knowledge sharing with key stakeholders such as further education colleges, universities and supply chain partners.

Eligible businesses on the programme will also have the opportunity to apply for £3,000 innovation vouchers, designed to help them access leadership and technical support for new projects and processes from industry experts. For businesses demonstrating high productivity potential, the pilot programme will help them develop tailored innovation action plans – addressing key themes such as operational productivity, digitalisation, decarbonisation, resourcing, skills and finance.

Vice Chair of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group, Councillor Barry McElduff said:

“Securing this funding and launching our pilot Business Innovation Programme is an important step for our Regional Economic Strategy in helping local MSW businesses realise greater performance, productivity and growth. With a focus on building local knowledge, awareness and opening new doors to emerging technologies such as data analytics, artificial intelligence and automation, the programme will help drive progress and inclusive prosperity across the region.”

Scheduled to run until June 2022, the programme targets micro, small and medium-sized businesses in the region’s key industrial sectors including manufacturing, engineering, aerospace, construction, agri-food processing, mining and quarrying as well as pharmaceutical, logistics, warehousing, information and communication technology.

Remarking on securing the contract to support delivery of the pilot, Brilliant Red Managing Director, Paul Reavey said:

“We at Brilliant Red are delighted to be working Mid South West on this regionally important programme helping some of Northern Ireland’s most exciting, high potential businesses reach new heights.”

If your business is based in the MSW Region and you would like to find out more, visit

The pilot Business Innovation Programme is aligned to the MSW Regional Economic Strategy’s Boosting Innovation and Digital Capacity pillar. To learn more about MSW and its Regional Economic Strategy visit:

Minister Meets On Infrastructure Priorities

Minister Meets On Mid Ulster’s Infrastructure Priorities

Mid Ulster’s infrastructure priorities have been set out by Mid Ulster District Council in a meeting with Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon MLA yesterday (8 December 2021).

In the third and final visit to each of the council areas which make up the Mid South West (MSW) Region, Minister Mallon met the Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, Councillor Paul McLean, who is also the current Chair of the MSW Region Governance Steering Group, alongside other elected representatives.

In a wide-ranging discussion, which focused on the specific strategic infrastructure priorities for Mid Ulster as part of the wider Mid South West Region, the Minister heard about the infrastructure required to support the delivery of growth projects as well as the time-critical need to deliver on bypasses for both Cookstown and Dungannon.

This meeting coincided with the second day of the A29 Cookstown Bypass public information event which was also held at the Burnavon Arts and Cultural Centre.

Members of the MSW grouping also emphasised the importance of opening up access to industrial land at strategic sites such as Desertcreat, as well as the need to address investment in utilities, most notably in the wastewater treatment systems which are already beyond capacity in Mid Ulster.

Active travel projects, alongside the opportunities to build on the development potential of the Ulster Canal and a range of greenway and blueway projects, also formed part of the meeting’s agenda.

Speaking after the meeting, Councillor McLean, said:

“There is an inextricable link between well-developed infrastructure in its broadest sense and a region’s pace of economic growth.

“And if infrastructure is a key economic driver, then addressing the regional, historical imbalance and underinvestment in infrastructure is critical to the overall success of Mid Ulster and the Mid South West region.

“It is equally critical to the ability of our business base, particularly our manufacturing sector, to expand and to compete more effectively in local, regional and international markets.

“We welcomed the opportunity to raise these issues with the Minister in what was a productive and valuable engagement, and hope we can continue to work in partnership with her to ensure we deliver against the wider ambitions for the Mid South West region”.

Minister for Infrastructure Nichola Mallon said:

“I was delighted to be in Cookstown to meet with Mid Ulster Council as part of my ongoing engagement with representatives from the Mid South West Region Group and to hear about their vision for the area.  We had a very useful discussion on a range of key issues including roads infrastructure, active travel schemes and wastewater treatment systems.

“There has been historic underinvestment in many areas across the North.  Since becoming Minister, I have made clear my commitment to tackling regional imbalance and delivering for all communities. Last year I announced my intention to progress a number of strategic infrastructure and flagship projects.  One of these projects was the A29 Cookstown Bypass so I am pleased that this week we have unveiled the preferred route for this scheme which is of significant importance to the town of Cookstown and the surrounding area. The proposed route will remove strategic traffic from the town centre which will in turn help to reduce traffic congestion, increase road safety and improve air quality. As part of my commitment to delivering green infrastructure and providing greater opportunities for active travel, I am pleased to confirm there will also be walking and cycling provision along the entire scheme. 

“Going forward, I want to continue to work in partnership with the council and others to ensure that we can deliver the change people in Mid Ulster, and right across the North, have long deserved.”

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council make up the Mid South West region which is responsible for delivering a Regional Economic Strategy that focuses on boosting productivity, driving business growth, promoting sectoral strength and creating more and better paid jobs.

The members of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group who met with Minister Mallon were Councillor Martin Kearney (Mid Ulster), Councillor Cathal Mallaghan (Mid Ulster), Councillor Trevor Wilson (Mid Ulster) and Councillor Kevin Savage (Armagh, Banbridge, Craigavon).

Council welcomes Minister to discuss infrastructure in Fermanagh and Omagh

Council welcomes Minister to discuss infrastructure in Fermanagh and Omagh

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon MLA visited Omagh on Wednesday 24 November 2021 to discuss the key infrastructure priorities in the Fermanagh and Omagh district.

Minister Mallon aided by her department officials met with representatives from the Mid South West (MSW) Region Governance Steering Group, the Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and the President of Omagh Chamber of Commerce to get a first-hand account of the unique challenges in the area which could be addressed by investment in infrastructure.

During the discussion, which was held at Fermanagh and Omagh District Council offices in Omagh, Minister Mallon heard about the Council’s focus on the importance of tackling a number of key infrastructure challenges impacting the economic growth of the district and wider Mid South West Region.

The discussion focused on the importance of working together to improve connectivity both within and to and from the district through strategic transport projects including the A4 Southern Enniskillen Bypass and the A5 Derry to Aughnacloy dual carriageway, in addition to other strategic roads schemes proposed through the Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan and active travel measures.

Members took the opportunity to impress the importance of redeveloping the St Lucia site in Omagh and of the need for engagement with key stakeholders, including the local community and Council, in helping to shape the vision for this hugely significant site.

Other local priorities that formed a significant part of the discussion included the development of blue and green infrastructure including greenways across the district, the need for urgent investment in utilities such as sewerage and wastewater, a flood alleviation scheme for Omagh town centre and the development of a sustainable transport network to support economic growth and overall health, wellbeing and prosperity of those living in the district.

Minister for Infrastructure Nichola Mallon said:

“I was delighted to be back in Fermanagh and Omagh today to meet with representatives from the Mid South West Region Group and to hear about their vision for the region.

“Since becoming Minister I have been clear that tackling regional imbalance has been a priority for me. I recognise prior to my tenure that there has been historic underinvestment in the Omagh and Fermanagh areas and I am working hard to ensure delivery on the ground for people across Fermanagh and Omagh.

“Reaffirming my clear commitment to the Enniskillen Southern bypass to Fermanagh and Omagh District Council representatives, I also outlined my plans to transform Enniskillen town centre by improving air quality, reducing noise pollution and enhancing active travel opportunities for locals and visitors alike. In line with that commitment my Department is currently drawing up a commission to examine how the bypass can unlock sustainable and active travel measures in the town centre. I am very aware this scheme is of significant importance to Enniskillen and I have made clear my commitment to the Council that making road improvements is crucial to tackling regional imbalance, improving the economy and connecting communities and improving road safety.

“Going forward, I want to continue to work in partnership with the council and others to ensure that we can deliver the change people in Fermanagh and Omagh, and right across the North, have long deserved.”

Chair of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group, Councillor Paul McLean said:

“We were delighted that Minister Mallon agreed to visit Omagh today so that she could hear first hand the challenges in the area which could be addressed through provision of new enabling infrastructure.

At today’s meeting we were keen to underline the need for targeted investment in strategic infrastructure, bringing transformational change to the area and local communities.

Investment in the Fermanagh and Omagh district and across the Mid South West Region is key to addressing regional imbalances and realising our growth ambitions for the district and beyond. The Minister’s commitment to continuing to work in partnership with Members and the Mid South West partner Councils on the range of issues discussed was warmly welcomed.”

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council; Mid South West region is responsible for delivering a Regional Economic Strategy that focuses on boosting productivity, driving business growth, promoting sectoral strength and creating more and better paid jobs.

Mid South West Region

Team Mid South West’ Embarks on a Collaborative Journey to Drive Economic Growth

Senior leaders from across the Mid South West (MSW) Region who met virtually last month are embarking on a process to develop business cases for a range of strategic projects that will help to deliver the MSW Regional Economic Strategy and secure Growth Deal investment.

The strategy’s ambition is to supercharge the growth of the collective MSW economy and ensure inclusive prosperity. To help achieve this ambition, more than 20 projects will be developed by the MSW Councils in collaboration with Partner agencies to secure a Growth Deal investment of just over a quarter of a billion pounds from the UK and NI Governments. Developed over the next 10-15 years, the projects will turbo charge economic growth in the MSW region.

The projects will tackle specific challenges which are impeding economic growth across three key investment areas: enabling infrastructure; boosting innovation and digital capacity; and building a high-performing visitor/tourist economy. All of the projects will consider the impact on skills development and will require close cooperative working between a number of partners.

Wide ranging in their nature, many of the projects will be at the cutting edge of innovation, including a proposed NI Agri-Food Robotics Centre at CAFRE’S Loughry Campus and an Engineering, Skills and Innovation Centre being spearheaded by the South West College.  Investment will also be targeted in new strategic road networks, industrial sites, the regeneration of our town centres and in tourist destinations including the Sperrins, Cuilcagh Lakelands Geopark and Armagh City, among others.

Welcoming colleagues to the meeting, Roger Wilson, Chief Executive of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council said: “Collaboration is key. By working together and pooling our resources, knowledge and influence we can achieve so much more for the benefit of the entire MSW region, socially and economically. We can create more and better jobs, drive our vision to supercharge the economy, secure sustainable investment and attract more visitors to our beautiful region.”

Peter Simpson, Head of Food Technology Branch at CAFRE added: “CAFRE is delighted to be a partner and to be working in collaboration with the Councils and other Partner agencies to secure investment on the scale that the Growth Deal will deliver which will be truly transformational for this region.  We very much welcomed the opportunity to meet with all of the partners last month not least because it marked a significant milestone in our journey to date, and while we do not underestimate the challenge ahead, we can and will achieve great things by working together.”

Need for infrastructure investment in Armagh City

Need for infrastructure investment in Armagh City

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon MLA visited Armagh on Thursday to see for herself the infrastructure challenges experienced in the City and throughout the Borough.

On arrival in the city, the ecclesiastical capital of Ireland, which is currently in the running for UK City of Culture 2025, Minister Mallon met with representatives from the Mid South West (MSW) Region Governance Steering Group, Vice Chair of Armagh City Centre Management and Department for Infrastructure officials to get a first-hand account of the unique challenges in the area which could be eased by investment in infrastructure.

Before witnessing the heavy traffic congestion on the Mall, Minister Mallon heard about the Borough’s City of Culture 2025 bid and the importance of addressing a number of infrastructure challenges to enable the City to realise its full potential as a rich and vibrant cultural heritage destination attracting global investment and visitors, promoting community cohesion and instilling a sense of pride in the place.

The discussion focused on the importance of working together to reconnect the compact city by introducing active travel and removing cars from parts of the city. They explored the ways in which they could realise the MSW Region Growth Deal by developing and delivering major infrastructural investments such as new road networks and rail connectivity, as well as improving cross-border connections and development of strategic sites. Local priorities were a significant part of the discussion, with access to industrial land and investment in utilities such as electricity, sewerage and wastewater systems high on the agenda.

Minister for Infrastructure Nichola Mallon said: “I welcome the opportunity to visit Armagh today to meet again with representatives from the Mid South West Region Group and to hear about their vision for the region and the challenges they face.  

“Since becoming Minister I have been clear that tackling regional imbalance is a priority for me.  I recognise that there has been historic underinvestment in the west and I am committed to delivering for all parts of Northern Ireland.

“It is important that we take a strategic approach to delivering infrastructure across the north.  My Department is currently developing the draft Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan, which will set out future investment and improvement for our strategic transport networks, by road, rail and bus, to 2035.  This Transport Plan will reflect my Department’s commitment to improving connectivity for the benefit of our economy and communities across Northern Ireland.  It will also help to inform the priorities for future development of the main road networks. 

“My officials will continue to work closely with the Councils on all issues raised today.”   

Chair of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group, Councillor Thomas O’Hanlon added: “We were delighted that Minister Mallon agreed to visit Armagh today so that she could see for herself the challenges our local representatives have been highlighting for years.

“We feel that infrastructure has been neglected in the west for too long. At today’s meeting we were keen to impress upon the Infrastructure Minister that funding must be distributed fairly across the north and that investment needs to be targeted in areas such as Armagh City where it will have a real impact on communities, businesses and visitors. With its significant cultural tapestry, Armagh must benefit from infrastructure investment now in order to become a modern future-proofed city that is ready to embrace new business and cultural opportunities, particularly with the UK City of Culture 2025 bid in the pipeline.

“Investment in infrastructure in our Borough and across the MSW region would mean vast improvements for the people who live, work, visit, invest in this place, and is key to unlocking the region’s economic potential and growth ambitions as well as driving competitiveness.”

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council; Mid South West (MSW) Region is responsible for delivering a Regional Economic Strategy that focuses on boosting productivity, driving business growth, promoting sectoral strengths, and creating more and better-paid jobs.

Business Innovation Programme

Business Innovation Programme Set to Revolutionise Local Business Growth Potential

Have you got an idea for your business but you’re not sure how to progress it?

Mid South West Region wants to hear from you as it seeks expressions of interest for its new pilot Business Innovation Programme, which sets out to assist local businesses fast track their growth and productivity post Covid-19.

Developed as a collaboration between Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council; Mid South West (MSW) is responsible for delivering a Regional Economic Strategy that focuses on boosting productivity, driving business growth, promoting sectoral strengths, and creating more and better-paid jobs across the Mid South West Region.

The new pilot Business Innovation Programme – which will see an investment of close to £430,000 for the region, subject to funding approval in late August – is designed to grow business innovation and productivity specifically within local micro, small and medium sized enterprises.

Aligned to the MSW Regional Economic Strategy’s Boosting Innovation and Digital Capacity pillar, this new initiative includes the delivery of bespoke training workshops developed to improve awareness and understanding of productivity and innovation potential, as well as encouraging the use of emerging technologies and sharing best practice knowledge through collaboration with key stakeholders.

What’s more, it also offers the opportunity for eligible businesses to apply for £3,000 innovation vouchers, designed to help them access leadership and technical support from industry experts for new projects and processes.

Chair of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group, Councillor Thomas O’Hanlon said:

“With a globalised, outward and forward-looking mentality, the Mid South West Region is home to many successful and world-leading export businesses; however despite this, our productivity levels still lag considerably behind Northern Ireland and UK averages.

“With the introduction of the pilot Business Innovation Programme, it is hoped we can help equip eligible businesses with the skills and toolkit to innovate faster and drive up productivity levels to ultimately plug this productivity gap and supercharge this region’s economic fortunes.”

For businesses demonstrating high productivity potential, the pilot Programme will also assist them in the development of tailored innovation actions plans, which will address key themes such as operational productivity, digitalisation, decarbonisation, resourcing, skills and finance.

Planned to run from September 2021 to March 2022, the Programme targets micro, small and medium-sized businesses in the region’s key industrial sectors including manufacturing, engineering, aerospace, construction, agri-food processing, mining and quarrying as well as pharmaceutical, logistics, warehousing, information and communication technology.

Councillor Paul McLean, Vice Chair of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group, said:

“Making up the vast majority of the MSW Region’s active companies and over one-third of all Northern Ireland businesses, our local micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are critical in helping boost our output performance and drive inclusive economic prosperity across the area.

“By building local knowledge, awareness and opening new doors to emerging technologies such as data analytics, artificial intelligence and automation, this pilot Programme has real potential to help the region take giant leaps forward in performance, productivity and growth.”

With insights into new processes, industry 4.0 technologies and decarbonisation, the Programme will support businesses on their innovation journeys and open up opportunities to apply to future funding initiatives such as the £15 million Industrial Investment Challenge Fund.

So, if you have a business based in the MSW Region and you would like to find out more about the pilot Business Innovation Programme or you would like to submit an expression of interest visit:

Deadline for expressions of interest is Friday 10 September 2021, 5pm.

The MSW pilot Business Innovation Programme is subject to funding from the UK Community Renewal Fund and therefore any business submitting an expression of interest should note registration does not guarantee their participation.