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Driving Net Zero Transformation

The Councils representing the Mid South West are delighted to announce the launch of their new ‘Driving Net Zero Transformation’ Programme in partnership with Carbonfit, a team of sustainability experts who have created a carbon intelligence platform, to Simplify Carbon Reporting & Reduction.

The programme has been funded through Innovate UK’sFast Followers’ programme  and aims to assist local businesses in their transition towards achieving net-zero emissions.  The MSW region is one of 21 Local Authority areas from across the UK to receive a share of £6m funding to support progress towards Net Zero

As part of this programme we will be working with our partners at Carbonfit to deliver:

A 6-part webinar series: This short course consists of 6 x 1hr sessions that is designed to create a building-block approach to guide businesses through a better understanding of their current baseline, and will give practical skills to help you measure and monitor a useful carbon reduction plan that can be utilised as part of the businesses sustainability ambitions and actions. It is strongly recommended that businesses join each webinar to gain the most value from the series.

What is Net Zero?

Thursday 8 August

Carbon Audit

Thursday 29 August

Setting Targets

Thursday 26 September

Book Now

Engaging Stakeholders

Thursday 24 October

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Technology and Renewable Energy

Thursday 21 November

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Continuous Monitoring

Thursday 12 December

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3 Business Breakfast events: A 2-hour business breakfast event will be offered across each of the three council areas. These events are aimed at strategic and / or director level and aim to inform, enable and facilitate change for attendees through opportunities for collaboration and network development.

Mid Ulster

27 June 9.00-11.30

Armagh, Banbridge, Craigavon

5 September 9.00-11.30

Book Now

Fermanagh & Omagh

17 October 9.00-11.30

Book Now

The programme also seeks to support micro enterprises and small and medium enterprises operating in three key sectors in the MSW Region with their Net Zero ambitions. These are:

  • Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering
  • Agri-food
  • Construction

Bespoke 1:1 Net-Zero baseline and action plan development: 90 businesses across the Borough will also have the opportunity to work directly with the Carbonfit team to establish Net-Zero baselines and action plans bespoke to their own businesses. To register your interest in this please complete for form below: