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Mid South West region

Supercharging the Mid South West Economy

As the Mid South West launches its Regional Economic Strategy, the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group write for Ambition, outlining how an area already considered the economic engine of Northern Ireland has plans to boost productivity and prosperity.

The commitment of three Councils to work collaboratively to drive economic growth across their areas makes sense. By pooling resources, ideas and status the collective can benefit from economies of scale and the region is much better placed to pursue investment.

The Mid South West is a collaboration between Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council. In the pages that follow you will read more of the detail of our collective ambition for the Mid South West Region and that ambition is firmly grounded in a place which has been the economic engine of Northern Ireland for quite some time. We’re proud of where we’ve come from, however we know that as a region we are capable of much, much more if we can address the deficits that exist – infrastructure, skills, innovation and tourism – and by doing so, provide the right conditions for those sectors where we are already leading the way – advanced manufacturing, engineering, agri-food, health and life sciences, tourism, construction and others – to excel. In essence our Regional Economic Strategy is focused on helping companies across the Mid South West supercharge the growth of their businesses which will in turn turbocharge the growth of the Mid South West economy and the Northern Ireland economy. We will strive to tackle the barriers to growth while also helping companies to become exemplars in their field, capable of competing with the best in the world. Collaboration is central to achieving this aim, not just across the three councils in the Mid South West but also with the business community which is at the heart of the region’s economic future.

We have already benefitted from the insight and expertise of our Business Reference Group, made up of some 18 companies who represent the region’s sectoral strengths and who were central to shaping the strategy. Moving forward, the commitment from all businesses in the Mid South West – startups, SMEs, large companies and every inward investor – will be critical to ensuring that the strategy can be successfully delivered.

We are breaking new ground with our Regional Economic Strategy and together we will be able to boost productivity and prosperity across the Mid South West Region and create an even better place for everyone to live, work and play.


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The Mid South West Region

How the business world is critical in helping the Mid South West Regional Economic Strategy reach its aim of supercharging the region’s economy

Companies have an important role to play in supercharging the Mid South West’s (MSW) economy as part of a unique collaboration between three of Northern Ireland’s most dynamic councils.

That’s the conclusion of the Mid South West Regional Economic Strategy which has been developed with the aim of boosting productivity across the three council areas of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council.

The input from businesses across a range of sectors has been instrumental in helping to shape the strategy by identifying areas where investment is needed to allow them to grow unimpeded and their continued input will be vital as the strategy is rolled out in the coming months and years, according to councillor Robert Irvine, chairman of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group.

“Business sits at the heart of this strategy and will be fundamental in ensuring that the Mid South West’s economy flourishes in the future,” he said. “We have geared the actions identified in the strategy towards addressing business needs and areas of deficit in order to provide businesses, that are already proficient, with the optimum conditions for them to maximise their potential, not just locally but internationally. By targeting investment we will reinforce the region’s sectoral strengths in manufacturing, engineering, agri-food, health and life sciences, tourism and construction as well as in a fast-growing digital tech sector.

“The Mid South West Business Reference Group has provided invaluable insight into the development of the strategy and will continue to play an important roll in its delivery. Our ambitions for the Mid South West economy are far reaching, but we are confident that with the support of businesses and all stakeholders in the region they are wholly achievable.”

The Mid South West Regional Economic Strategy identifies challenges and opportunities and sets out four pillars to guide investment and grow the collective economy. The pillars are: future proofing the skills base, enabling infrastructure, boosting innovation and digital capacity and building a high performing tourism economy.

By focusing on those areas, the overriding goals of increasing productivity, driving business growth and competitiveness, fully realising sectoral strengths and opportunities, creating more and better-paid jobs and ensuring the ongoing internationalisation of MSW can be achieved.

The strategy will enable the Mid South West Region to leverage financial investment from a range of sources – such as the £250m Growth Deal funding committed by the UK Government and Northern Ireland Executive, the PEACE PLUS Programme, the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, Innovate UK and other central government funding.

The strategy was launched by First Minister Arlene Foster MLA and deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill MLA at a socially-distanced event held near Dungannon at the premises of EDGE Innovate, one of the companies represented on the Business Reference Group.

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Mid south west

Mid South West collaboration lays down plans for a prosperous future

A unique collaboration bringing together three Northern Ireland councils and the private, third level and education sectors has produced a strategy aimed at supercharging economic growth across the region in the coming years.

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council have joined forces to form the Mid South West (MSW) Region with the primary aim of creating the optimum conditions to attract investment and drive economic growth.

To realise this ambition, they have developed a Regional Economic Strategy (RES) which has identified the areas where funding can be most effectively invested to address a range of challenges and ultimately boost economic growth opportunities.

Launched at a socially-distanced event at Edge Innovate in Dungannon on 9 September 2020 by First Minister Arlene Foster MLA and deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill MLA, the strategy was developed following extensive research and analysis of the region’s economy and was informed by engagement with the major employers located in the region.

Further collboaration from both local and central government will be necessary to help make, shape and support the case for change.

“The Regional Economic Strategy has been borne out of collaboration across the councils, across sectors and across geographies,” Councillor Robert Irvine, Chair of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group, said. “Its success relies on the continued input from all stakeholders to help keep our growth trajectory on course and to feed back on the needs of businesses operating in an ever-changing world.

“By working closely together over the next few years we will be able to boost productivity in the Mid South West Region and create more and better jobs. This region has proved itself to be the engine room of the Northern Ireland economy; our aim is to turbocharge the engine and create a more prosperous future for everyone.”

The strategy identifies challenges and opportunities for the region and sets out four pillars to guide investment and grow the collective economy. The pillars are: future proofing the skills base, enabling infrastructure, boosting innovation and digital capacity and building a high performing tourism economy. By focusing on these areas, the overriding Implementation of the RES will enable the Mid South West Region to leverage financial investment from a range of sources, such as the Growth Deal funding announced recently by the UK Government and Northern Ireland Executive, the PEACE PLUS Programme, the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, Innovate UK and other central government funding.

“We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create an even better place to live, work and invest across the Mid South West Region,” Councillor Irvine adds. “This co-ordinated, bottom-up approach ensures that we will leave no stone unturned in our pursuit for economic growth and we call upon all stakeholders across all sectors including the public, private and education sectors, to join us in putting a shoulder to the region’s economic wheel.”

The Mid South West Regional Economic Strategy in detail

The Regional Economic Strategy sets out a path to grow the economy of the Mid South West Region and Northern Ireland. It was an important initiative when work first began on it in 2018 and it’s even more important now as the region deals with the economic effects of and recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic.

“The strategy has been developed in close consultation with government departments and agencies, Invest Northern Ireland, Tourism Northern Ireland, skills bodies, business representative groups, educational institutions, universities and, crucially, businesses from a wide range of sectors.”

The key to its success is putting businesses and the MSW economy at the heart of plans to ensure that funding support, whether public or private, is invested in the most responsible and effective manner.

Significant investment will be required to deliver the strategy with a total commitment to date of a quarter of a billion pounds towards a Growth Deal goals of increasing productivity, driving business growth, fully realising sectoral strengths and opportunities, creating more and better-paid jobs and ensuring the ongoing internationalisation of MSW can be achieved.

from the UK Government and the Northern Ireland Executive. As previously stated, MSW will also pursue a range of other funding opportunities, such as investment through PEACE PLUS and the Shared Prosperity Fund, to name a few.

The strategy is structured around four intervention pillars:

1.‘Future Proofing’ the Skills Base

2.Enabling Infrastructure

3.Boosting Innovation and Digital Capacity

4.Building a High-Performing Tourism Economy

The interventions will be geared towards delivering exponential and long-term benefits including:

•increasing productivity levels and closing the productivity gap;

•driving business growth;

•protecting our unique sectoral advantages and realising sectoral opportunities;

•creating more, better paid jobs;

•rebalancing the regional economy;

•increasing our global impact and underlining the benefits to the Northern Ireland economy.

The MSW pillars

‘Future Proofing’ the Skills Base

Future proofing the skills base is becoming ever more important and was a top priority emerging from engagements with businesses during the development of the RES. MSW wants to ensure the requisite skills are available in scale and profile to underpin the region’s ambitions and those of the successful businesses which already exist there.

As well as requiring significant financial investment, the strategy seeks to drive change in four policy areas:

• access to labour/lobbying for a differentiated migration policy;

• policy changes to ‘off-the-shelf’ apprenticeships;

• extending the range of higher-level apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships available in the region; and

• a greater focus on shared apprenticeship schemes.

Enabling Infrastructure

Investment in infrastructure is critical to drive economic growth across MSW. Strategic road infrastructure enables businesses in the region to access all areas including ports and distribution points. The strategy has pinpointed where improvements are needed: the Armagh East Link; the A29 Cookstown bypass, the A4 Enniskillen Southern bypass, as well as the development of the A3 Armagh North & West Link, the A29 Dungannon bypass and the A32 Omagh to Enniskillen.

Investment will also be targeted at:

•addressing broadband, mobile coverage and reliability;

•transforming our high streets to be places of choice for our local communities;

•enabling access to available industrial land;

•driving investment in electricity supply; and

•supporting opportunities for regeneration and site development.

Boosting Innovation and Digital Capacity

Advanced manufacturing is one of MSW’s big success stories and has enormous potential. The region is placing its ambitions in this area into the Northern Ireland-wide ‘ecosystem’ and at the centre of what is being discussed within the City/Growth Deals (i.e. the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre in the Belfast Region City Deal and the Centre for Industrial Digitalisation, Robotics and Automation in Derry/Londonderry City Region). The ambition is to create an innovation and skills academy delivered by the South West College in Dungannon. In relation to agri-food, the impact of the strategy is global. The RES will support CAFRE in the development of a Northern Ireland Agri-food Robotics Centre at the Loughry Campus and work in collaboration with AFBI to develop a centre for Agri-Tech Innovation. It will develop agri-food incubation space to support food development for smaller SMEs, an area currently being explored by the Southern Regional College. The strategy also sets out plans to develop a network of Digi-Hubs to support the sector’s growth. In addition to exploring a number of potential health innovation proposals with the region’s two leading and acute teaching hospitals, MSW is also exploring a new-build Health and Care Centre in Cookstown.

Building a High-Performing Tourism Economy

The MSW has a host of tourism offerings: the Fermanagh Lakes, the Sperrins, our literary heritage, the cultural significance of Ireland’s oldest city, Armagh, where Patrick established his first church, the Ulster American Folk Park, Marble Arch Caves UNESCO Global Geopark and more besides, including the recent announcement of the commitment to the Game of Thrones Legacy Project.

MSW’s aim is to invest in the development of its tourism product, including cross-border, in actions that stimulate/de-risk and expedite quality hotel investment as well as improving infrastructure for routing/ signposting and visitor engagement.

The future

MSW has already engaged extensively with businesses and key sectors, with politicians locally, regionally and nationally, with central government, with education and the wider stakeholder community, and that will continue.

“We will continue to work closely with the other Northern Ireland City/Growth Deal regions to ensure complementarity and to take advantage of any synergies which may exist and continue to welcome the input and guidance of our industry/business base,” Councillor Irvine explains. “We need their continued engagement with this initiative as we move through the next stages in development.

“The collaboration of our three councils to develop the Mid South West Regional Economic Strategy is a model of what can be achieved by people working together for the common good. We are living in truly life-changing times. In years to come, people will look back on 2020 and the Coronavirus pandemic and see it as a challenging experience for us all.

“We want to make it a positive moment in our history. The beginning of something transformative which builds on the region’s creativity and innovation.”

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Collaborating for a strong economic future for the Mid South West Region

A new strategy designed to supercharge the growth of the economy of the Mid South West (MSW) will create the right conditions for companies located in the region to flourish in the coming years. The Regional Economic Strategy is focused on boosting productivity across the three council areas of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council – which make up the Mid South West Region and will require businesses to play their part in helping to realise its ambitious goals. The strategy, which was developed following extensive research and analysis of the region’s economy and was informed by engagement with the region’s major employers, identifies challenges and opportunities and sets out four pillars to guide investment and grow the collective economy. The pillars are: future proofing the skills base, enabling infrastructure, boosting innovation and digital capacity and building a high performing tourism economy. By focusing on those areas, the overriding goals of increasing productivity, driving business growth, fully realising sectoral strengths and opportunities, creating more and better-paid jobs and ensuring the ongoing internationalisation of MSW can be achieved, Councillor Robert Irvine, Chair of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group, said. “Our ambitions for the Mid South West economy are far reaching, but we are confident that with the support of all stakeholders in the region they are wholly achievable. The analysis of the region’s economy was honest both in terms of identifying its strengths but also the areas where support and investment in a range of strategic interventions can have the most impact. “Through the Regional Economic Strategy, we will strive to create the conditions that the private sector needs to grow their businesses, employ more skilled staff and become internationally competitive. We are unashamedly ambitious as are our businesses and so by working together we can raise productivity and create a better future for everyone.” The strategy will enable the Mid South West Region to leverage financial investment from a range of sources – such as the Growth Deal funding announced by the UK Government and Northern Ireland Executive, the PEACE PLUS Programme, the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, Innovate UK and other central government funding. Following the recent launch of the strategy by First Minister Arlene Foster MLA and deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill MLA at a socially-distanced event held at EDGE Innovate near Dungannon, Minister Dodds MLA, who also attended the launch said its overriding aims are more relevant than ever as the region recovers and rebuilds, adding that the support of the business community has been and will continue to be crucial. “This strategy provides an excellent framework to support the identification of Growth Deal projects and the councils are to be congratulated for coming together and working constructively” for the betterment of the region. She said sustained industry engagement will be key to its successful delivery. The strategy sets out several areas where growth is being impeded and how those impediments can be removed. Boosting productivity, connectivity and infrastructure, skills and making more of the region’s tourism offering are the focus of the strategy, which is structured around four intervention pillars.

MSW has engaged extensively with businesses and key sectors, with politicians locally, regionally and nationally, with central government, with education and the wider stakeholder community, and this engagement, particularly with businesses will continue. “We will continue to welcome the input and guidance of our industry/business base,” Councillor Irvine said. “Their ongoing engagement with this initiative is critical as we move to the next stage of development.” “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to supercharge the Mid South West economy and cement the Region’s position as Northern Ireland’s engine room.”

Download Collaborating for a strong economic future for the Mid South West Region PDF

Mid South West Region Launch

Mid South West launches regional strategy to supercharge economic growth

The economy in the Mid South West (MSW) will be supercharged under plans laid out in an ambitious Regional Economic Strategy which promises to transform the region.

Developed as a collaboration between Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council, the strategy is centred on boosting productivity.

The strategy, developed following extensive research and analysis of the region’s economy and informed by engagement with the major employers throughout the region, identifies challenges and opportunities and sets out four pillars to guide investment and grow the collective economy.

The pillars are: future proofing the skills base, enabling infrastructure, boosting innovation and digital capacity and building a high performing tourism economy.

By focusing on these pillars, the overriding goals of increasing productivity, driving business growth in the region, fully realising sectoral strengths and opportunities, creating more and better-paid jobs and ensuring the ongoing internationalisation of MSW can be achieved.

The strategy sets out a number of potential projects under each of the pillars which, with investment, would help boost productivity. These include further development of critical road infrastructure; the implementation of a Skills Action Plan; the development of an Innovation and Skills Academy through the South West College and an Agri Food Robotics Centre, at CAFRE Loughry Campus; as well as the development of a life and health science opportunity in Carn, Craigavon; delivery of a MSW destination tourism experience; and, further development of cross-border assets such as the Marble Arch Caves UNESCO Global Geopark.

The Regional Economic Strategy will enable the Mid South West Region to leverage financial investment from a range of sources – such as the Growth Deal funding announced by the UK Government and Northern Ireland Executive, the PEACE PLUS Programme, the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, Innovate UK and other central government funding.

The strategy had been due to launch in spring 2020 but was postponed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Its overriding aims are more relevant than ever as the region recovers and rebuilds.

First Minister Arlene Foster said: “By joining forces, the three councils within the Mid South West have developed a plan which will transform not just the region, but the wider economy. The Mid South West Regional Economic Strategy is aligned with the recovery plans of central government and is particularly relevant as the economy recovers from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

“As someone who grew up and lives in the Mid South West, it is particularly pleasing to see a roadmap laid out for this vibrant region, one which can only benefit from a joined up approach.”

Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill said: “The Regional Economic Strategy is a suitably ambitious plan for the Mid South West Region, which has immense potential and much to offer.

“As we set about rebuilding our economy, we know it needs to be fairer and more regionally balanced. It also has to be greener and more sustainable. The £252 million Growth Deal funding package that has been secured for the Mid South West is a fantastic and unique opportunity. This strategy will help to ensure the right initiatives are put in place to help the region reach its full potential and achieve prosperity for all the people of the area.”

Economy Minister Diane Dodds commented: “This strategy provides an excellent framework to support the identification of the right type of Growth Deal project and the Councils are to be congratulated for coming together and working so constructively to secure funding for their growth deal and the development of their Regional Economic Strategy. Key to success will be sustained industry engagement and It is critical that the Region ensures there is a robust mechanism in place to ensure meaningful engagement so that they can shape the innovation and digital projects to ensure they deliver their needs.”

Councillor Cathal Mallaghan, Chair of the Mid South West Region Governance Steering Group, said: “The Mid South West Regional Economic Strategy sets out a plan to help our businesses to scale, export and become more profitable. We are going to work together to ensure that we achieve this ambition, thereby boosting productivity across the region, ensuring a more prosperous future and rebalancing our regional economy.

Darragh Cullen, Managing Director of EDGE Innovate which hosted the launch event, said: “Along with a number of other major employers in the Mid South West I was involved in the Business Reference Group which contributed to the development of the Regional Economic Strategy. By addressing our challenges and putting in place the structures and interventions which will enable businesses to do what we do best, the strategy will allow us and other businesses in this region to excel.”

Representatives from the main business groups

Business bodies help shape plan to grow Mid South West region economy

The main business bodies in Northern Ireland are helping shape a Regional Economic Strategy for the Mid South West (MSW) region.

Representatives from the Confederation of British Industry, Institute of Directors, Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Small Businesses, Hospitality Ulster, Northern Ireland Retail Consortium and the Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association met on Friday to hear about progress in the development of the strategy and to put forward ideas as to how business growth can be maximised across the region.

The Regional Economic Strategy is the focus of a unique collaboration between the three councils which form the MSW region: Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council.

Its aims are to improve productivity; create more and better jobs; address economic infrastructure; grow investment; support business innovation; grow tourism and improve skills across the MSW region.

Councillor Siobhán Currie, Chair of Fermanagh & Omagh District Council, said: “The business organisations gathered around the table today represent a huge swathe of the companies operating the region. Their input will be invaluable in helping shape the Regional Economic Strategy which will set a path for the future growth of the region’s economy and the prosperity of everyone.”

Councillor Martin Kearney, Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, said: “We want to make sure the Regional Economic Strategy for the Mid South West answers the very real and present needs of the business community. With the help of the business organisations who attended today’s meeting, we will develop that strategy around those needs to help businesses to grow and compete on a global stage now and in the future.”

Councillor Mealla Campbell, Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, said:  “The importance of the Mid South West region’s economy has been emphasised by the strong representation of Northern Ireland’s main business organisations today. We plan to put everything in place to help their members – based in the Mid South West region and throughout Northern Ireland – grow, thrive and create jobs in the coming years.”

Business representatives

Businesses help plan economic success for Mid, South and West region

A number of key businesses in the Mid, South and West (MSW) region met this week to inform the development of a Regional Economic Strategy to drive economic growth and prosperity across the region.

Representatives from 18 companies met in Armagh City as part of a unique collaboration between the three councils which form the MSW region: Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council.

They put forward their ideas as to how business growth can be maximised by using economic levers including the recently announced Growth Deal funding, a multi-million pound investment for the region.

Companies taking part in the information and workshop session included Almac, Heron Bros, Strathroy Dairy, SDC, Balcas and Hyster-Yale Group.

Their ideas will be amalgamated with the findings from a recent meeting of the MSW Governance Steering Group made up of Councillors from across the three Council areas, as well as feedback from a meeting of umbrella business organisations to be held later this week.

The Regional Economic Strategy will be focused on improving productivity; creating more and better jobs; addressing economic infrastructure; growing investment; supporting business innovation; growing tourism and improving skills across the MSW region.

Councillor Mealla Campbell, Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, said:  “The input of business is essential for us to develop a Regional Economic Strategy which smoothes the path for the MSW economy and will allow it to build on the progress it has made in the last few years. With the right support we can help these great businesses become even greater and cement this region’s reputation as an economic powerhouse.”

Councillor Siobhán Currie, Chair of Fermanagh & Omagh District Council, said: “Business sits at the heart of the Mid, South and West Regional Economic Strategy so garnering their opinion at this early stage is essential to allow us to form a plan which really works. We will use their insight to utilise all the economic levers available to enable the region to flourish.”

Councillor Martin Kearney, Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, said: “In order to ensure we develop a Regional Economic Strategy which answers the needs of business, we have brought together the people who are driving the economy in the MSW region to gather their insight. That information will sit at the core of our planning for a more prosperous future for everyone across the three council areas.”

MSW Steering Group

Mid, South and West councils meet to identify opportunities for regional economic growth

The councils which represent the Mid, South and West region have held a steering group meeting to identify opportunities to boost economic growth and prosperity across the region.

Steering Group representatives from Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh & Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council came together in Omagh to share ideas which will be used to inform the development of a Regional Economic Strategy.

The Regional Economic Strategy will be focused on improving productivity; creating more and better jobs; addressing economic infrastructure; growing investment; supporting business innovation and improving skills across the three council areas known as the Mid, South and West region.

The councils are being supported in the development of the strategy by Oxford Economics and Morrow Gilchrist Associates who presented the Steering Group with information on the economic profile of the region, alongside the opportunities and challenges which could be met through, for example the Growth Deal proposition and other economic levers.

Earlier this month, the UK government announced combined funding for a Growth Deal for both the Mid, South and West region and Causeway Coast and Glens of £163m.

In addition to meetings with Councillors, the council group will also be engaging with both business bodies and representatives from a wide range of companies throughout the region in the coming weeks to input their views on how to boost economic growth across the region.

Councillor Siobhán Currie, Chair of Fermanagh & Omagh District Council, said: “Work is ongoing to develop an economic strategy and to identify areas where growth deal funding can be best used within the region. We now look forward to working with the business community to secure its input on how to further develop the economic prosperity of the region.”

Councillor Martin Kearney, Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, said: “Coming together as regional steering group to share and discuss insights into our economic profile is laying a strong foundation upon which our councils can collectively base future decisions. This will ensure that the Mid, South and West Growth Deal supercharges our region’s economy and boosts productivity throughout the area”.

Councillor Mealla Campbell, Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, said:  “The Mid, South and West Growth Deal represents just the beginning for driving sustained, long term economic growth and prosperity across the region. By joining forces, and working hard to truly understand the areas of greatest need, we can make sure this funding is leveraged in the best possible areas and for the most benefit.”